UK Pest Control Treatment Products for the Eradication and Prevention of Rodents, Insects, Birds and Mammals
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Rodent Control
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Bird Control
Fly Killers

Try these: Rat PoisonMouse TrapVent GuardMoth PheromoneLED Fly KillerSolar Prevention


ProPest  Page Support

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Pest issues can be challenging to control, especially with emerging infestations that can often be difficult to initially recognise. Whilst the majority of treatment products we sell are straightforward and require little previous experience it sometimes requires an understanding of the species issue for the products to work correctly; this is especially the case for some rodents and insects such as mice, bedbugs, cockroaches etc. At ProPest, we have a range of information support sheets that can help with product treatments and when required technical support from technicians with previous understanding of pest knowledge.

Before contacting us, we recommend looking at the rear of the treatment product for information on how to control a pest; some products such as rodenticides and insecticides will always have specified legal information on how to treat the targeted pest; whilst valuable, this information can sometimes be vague as several external factors can hamper any treatment and won’t be mentioned in any legal text, an example would be treated with a pest known to have resistance issues (such as rats, mice and bedbugs), competing for food sources or remote and hard to control habitat.

Additionally, how a treatment’s approach is undertaken can often be vital for treatment success; some insects can be challenging to control and using a singular product for their control will often show little to no success. Treatments always work best when undertaken as part of a multi-product approach, such as when users use a combination of sprays and powders or rodenticides and traps; when available, a treatment kit is always recommended.

Often once control has been undertaken, it’s crucial to take steps to prevent re-infestations; this is an essential part of any treatment undertaken, especially for rodents such as rats and mice; failure to undertake proofing can often lead to persistent issues and a misleading view that treatment products are not working.

If you require SDS safety sheets, please click Safety Data Sheets for Pesticides.

Support Contact Form

The following support form is for product and support issues only. For general enqueries please use the main contact form here.