UK Pest Control Treatment Products for the Eradication and Prevention of Rodents, Insects, Birds and Mammals
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Rat Proofing Products

The best approach for controlling rats is to prevent them in the first place!; this is always easier said but taking steps to exclude rats will significantly reduce the likelihood of infestations within buildings. Before undertaking any proofing works, any active rat infestations must be controlled; this prevents the rats from looking at or creating alternative access routes.

Proofing for rats can be easier compared to mice, but they shouldn’t be underestimated as rats can squeeze through only small holes; a 10p coin is often stated! For this reason, it is crucial that a complete building survey is undertaken and obvious ingress points closed.

Types of proofing measures will vary; at the minimum large holes in air bricks should be proofed using specialist vent covers and other access holes with a mesh or rodent proofing paste. An often overlooked yet common access point is through drainage; installing a sewer drain guard flap allows wastewater to escape whilst preventing rat access upstream.

Please find below our most common and popular products associated with rat proofing: